29th July Birthday Personality Zodiac Sign Horoscope

29th July Birthday Personality Zodiac Sign Horoscope
29th July Birthday Personality Zodiac Sign Horoscope

If you were born on July 29, you have a sparkling personality that others adore! You have a good heart that shines like the Sun, whether you are introverted or extroverted. You're an excellent listener who gives direct but gentle advice. You easily find joy in the smallest of things and contribute to the happiness of others! Be wary of people and situations that will let you down. This is your kryptonite, and once you've been deflated, it will take some time for your bubbliness to resurface.

29th July Leo at Their Best: Charming, Kind-hearted and Entertaining.

29th July Leo at Their Worst: Disheartened, Distracted and Odd.

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